Knit In The Womb: Facts about Abortion For Christian Singles

          Most doctors who perform abortions realize that they are killing babies. They have enough scientific orientation to know that the signs of the humanity of the fetus cannot be ignored
Why Do we commit Abortion
          As conclusive as this scientific data is, I am even more impressed by the evidence found in the bible. Psalm139, for example, leave no doubt that life begin at the moment of conception.
          Some could argue that a woman has total right to her own body; that argument is not correct. Our right end where “another person’s nose begins” and a baby inside a mother’s uterus is another person.
It has a totally different chromosomal makeup from its mother, and there’s 50 percent chance that the baby is of different sex than the mother.
          When a woman’s right to her is discussed, the euphemistic term choice is often used.
I agree that reproductive choice is important, but I believe the choice should be made earlier before the pregnancy begins. A woman can choose abstinence until marriage, or she can use contraceptive techniques very carefully and usually not get pregnant.
          I believe the only reason we tolerate abortion at all is that they take place “out of sight” in the darkness of a woman’s uterus. If the babies were taken out of the uterus, for instance; and their little heads crushed in public, our society would immediately put a stop to such killing.
        Physicians who care for pregnant mothers know they are caring for two patients- the mother and her unborn child.
  The only time people rationalize that the unborn child is not a person is when they want to kill it.

Advices To Women Considering Abortion:
v  Don’t take the easy way out: The easiest way is not necessary the best way. Though an abortion may seem to offer the easiest way out of a difficult situation, it may be the worst choice.
v  Be realistic: a woman should not be naïve when she considers an abortion. Abortionists’ often picture it as simple, straight forward procedure. But most women who have had abortions report that it was a traumatic experience. May complain of being handled like cattle in abortion clinics and compare it to rape-something that leave a woman feeling violated.
v  Be prepared for guilt: for many women, guilt following abortion is inescapable. The procedure is one that a woman will never forget, and one that she may regret for the rest of her life.
v  Expect possible infertility: physician who treat woman with infertility problems often find that these patients have had abortions. Their difficulties conceiving may be related.
v  Don’t base an abortion on finances: don’t let your worries about money cause you to make a bad situation worse. Almost no woman feels she can really afford adding a baby to her family. However, just like millions of other parents, you will somehow be able to provide for your child, the baby primarily needs your love not material things. Besides, the baby could prefer life to death.
Whether for yourself or a friend, this advice is critical whenever someone is considering ending a life that God so wonderfully made (ps-130:14). At such a moment, there’s no better prayer than the one recorded here:”search me o God and know my heart; treat my thoughts. Point out anything you find in me that make you sad, and lead me along the path of everlasting life” (Ps- 139:23-24).
Digging Deeper

1.       Why should we avoid abortion when so many people say it is not wrong? See Romans 12:2

2.       How can we help women who are pregnant but don’t want to? See James2:14-17.


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