Newly discovered

Male contaceptive: not condoms

Male contraceptives are almost non existent. Except for condoms, the only other options for male birth control are invasive. But, a study reveals a new birth control pill.

New birth control pill New birth control pill

Male contraceptives are almost non existent. Except for condoms or just pulling out, the only other options for male birth control are pretty invasive. But, a study reveals a new birth control pill that could change things.  

The two most common options for men are vasectomies, and a very exclusive option, available only to men in India through clinical trial, which involves an injection to the vas deferens in the penis.
However, researchers at the University of Minnesota could have discovered a new breakthrough option for men that comes in pill form. According to a research team, led by Dr. Gunda Georg, a "test compound" has been found that could be a starting point for a non-hormonal birth control pill for men.
According to Dr. Georg; "The research on hormonal methods of male birth control involving testosterone has been going on for decades, but nothing has come to market, we're now focusing on non-hormonal approaches."
The researchers are targeting non-hormonal alternatives because testosterone doesn't work in up to 20 percent of men and comes with side effects like weight gain and a decrease in good cholesterol. In order to be sold, a male birth control option would have to be taken by mouth in pill form, start working "considerably quickly," not reduce sex drive, and be safe even if someone takes it for years. Dr. Georg said, "that's a very high bar for bringing a male contraceptive to market."
Obviously, the ultimate goal is to give men an easy, viable option for birth control, so that some of the weight of contraception can be taken from women who either can't or just hate taking a pill every day.
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